Mid-Season Update coming soon..


It looks like most teams have at least played 10 games so far in the 2015-2016 winter season of AHA. I have begun pulling the game data from the 772 games that have been played so far. Look for updated Team Standings and Player Statistics spreadsheets this weekend I hope, or next week at the latest.

I’m also sending out All-Star ballots tomorrow for C3 division for an ‘unofficial’ AHA C3 All-Star game put on by Du Nord. So a busy weekend, not to mention a big game for Du Nord C3 against Ak Bars this evening.

Keep spreading the word and providing feedback.

– Anderson (#27)


AHA Data Oddities #7 & #8


Glad everyone is enjoying the new Player Statistics spreadsheet. Over 300 people have downloaded it in just over 24 hours! Thanks for all the positive feedback as well.

Below I have some more oddities to share with you. Both examples surround subgoalies, which I have deemed as the “bane of my existence.” Subgoalie names appear to be manually typed in by the score keepers and don’t always follow the pattern of “#00 J. Doe”. Typos, misspellings, wrong names and odd formatting can really degrade the quality of the data. It was to the point where I thought it might be cleaner to just default every Sub Goalie’s name to “Sub Goalie,” but you would miss a lot of information. In the end, it was best to convert it to the “Doe, J.” format as best I can, and leave any typos alone. When searching for players, goalies especially, it’s best to be vague with the name to try to capture all of their stats.

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Player Statistics Spreadsheet – Version 1.0


The long awaited Player Statistics Spreadsheet is here!

Excel Spreadsheet: AHA – Historical Stats – Player Statistics – 2015.11.02.xlsm

Please keep in mind that the stats are only as accurate as what was reported on the AHAHockey.com game page data. I’ve tried to explain with some of the ‘Oddities’ posts some of the peculiarities in the AHA data. I still have more ‘Oddities’ to post in the future.

You’ll be able to filter the data on any of the fields, but the main ones that will be helpful to you will be:

  • Player
  • Team
  • Division
  • Season
  • Season Type

You’ll also be able to sort the data by any of the above fields and the remaining fields:

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Fall League 2015 Update

Update to the Team Standings Spreadsheet:

  • Updated the remaining Fall League 2015 game stats
  • Refreshed Fall Tournament 2015 and previously reported Fall League 2015 games (in case of AHAHockey.com stat updates)
  • Updated East/West/North/South Division Names
    • Used this cool website, https://archive.org/web/, that Director of AHA, Pete Morrow, showed me up in Duluth to figure out what multi-section divisions were called
  • Fixed headers for when there is multi-section divisions
    • Previous update put all sections in same division (i.e. C1 – East and C1 – West were being combined)

Excel Spreadsheet: AHA – Historical Stats – Team Standings – 2015.10.31.xlsm

Nearing the end of putting together all the player stats. Hoping to have an update for you this weekend. If not, should be posted in the next week.

Happy Halloween,

– Anderson (#27)

AHA Data Oddities #1 & #2

Fellow AHA Data Dorks,

As I’ve been working on the historical AHA stats project, I’ve noticed some oddities in AHA’s stat tracking. Some are just truly odd, some are not odd, but just an annoyance to deal with in the data. I thought it would be good to share some of these examples because:

  1. My own spreadsheets can only be as accurate as to the data that feeds it, and some of these examples will help explain issues you will see yourself; and,
  2. Some of you might just be curious.

I’ll plan to post a couple of examples here and there, so stay tuned for more. I’ve noticed a lot of oddities from the Player-side stats, but I’ll start with some oddities on the Team-side stats:

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Fall Tourney Update

Update to the Team Standings Spreadsheet:

  • Added Shots Allowed per Game (SA/G) stat
  • Added Shots For per Game (SF/G) stat
  • Added Fall Tournament 2015
  • Added partial Fall League Games (First 4 games for each team)

Excel Spreadsheet: AHA – Historical Stats – Team Standings – 2015.10.07.xlsm

See you guys in Duluth,

– Anderson (#27)

Status Update


Team Standings Spreadsheet Updates:

Fall Tournament this weekend was a blast! Not all of the games have been posted on AHA.Com as of Monday morning. As soon as the league does, I’ll get that updated in the spreadsheet. So look for that later this week.

Player Stats Spreadsheet Updates:

I didn’t make much progress this weekend with all the fall tourney games and drinking in the parking lot. I made some progress earlier in the week though. I’m hoping to still meet my goal of releasing it by the end of the month.

Thanks everyone for the positive response to the blog. Please keep sharing and giving me feedback.

– Anderson (#27)

Team Standings Spreadsheet – Update

Quick update to the Team Standings Spreadsheet:

  • Modified the sort buttons so they stay on screen when scrolling

Excel Spreadsheet: AHA – Historical Stats – Team Standings – 2015.09.21.xlsm

In the upper right corner, you can click on ‘Team Standings’ to get the latest version of the spreadsheet. Over 100 AHA-ers have checked out the blog in less than two days, keep spreading it around.

Thanks for the feedback and positive response,

– Anderson (#27)